Privacy Policy & Cookie Law
This website does use cookies. However, we do not store any personal identifiable information such as name, address or location details.
If you don’t wish to enable cookies, you’ll still be able to browse the website. Most web browsers have cookies enabled by default but this can be disabled easily so if you’d prefer to restrict, block or delete these non-privacy invasive cookies from this website (or any other), you can use your browser settings to do this.
We are providing you with this information to comply with legislation and to be clear about your privacy when using our website.
The cookies we use:
1st party cookies
PHPSESSID – A random string or number that is there whilst your session on the browser using the site is running.
3rd party cookies
Google Analytics cookies – Usually four cookies made up of a random string that are associated with your computer allowing Google to collect information anonymously to monitor trends in visits to the site. You can read more about Google Analytics Privacy Policy
If you’d like to learn more about cookies in general and how to manage them, visit www.aboutcookies.org